TTPP 450-700

Circular sawmill with vertical & horizontal cutting

No empty runs:
TTPP 450 – 700 Vertical-Horizontal Sawmill is used for cutting ready-made elements from the log. Due to the unique method of mounting the saws, the device has the ability to cut ready-made elements and cut both sides. The device does not require idle runs, each cut is a ready element.

Replaces two machines:
The machine is intended primarily for producers of construction sawn timber. It is a great proposition for smaller companies that produce wooden building elements on their own. A vertical-horizontal circular sawmill replaces at least two machines used in this type of work: a traditional tape saw and an edger.

Additional equipment:

  1. Hydraulic clamps and leveling of logs – length 6000 mm
  2. Log rotation
  3. Hydraulic loading
  4. Flat belt transporter for – length 6000 mm
  5. Tilted belt transporter for offcuts
Flat conveyor
Tilted conveyor

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