GOMA AFC-10 MLKT tenoning machine is designed for processing wood and wood-based materials. It is used for making tenons, forks, finger joints and other shapes at the ends of friezes, strips, planks, etc. Tenoners work on a wide package and are particularly suitable for making finger joints. The shortest pieces must be at least 200 mm long.
Press AFC-10HK is designed for joining strips, boards, etc. along previously shaped and glued strips. The input material is elements made of sawn or planed wood, the fronts of which are prepared for tacking, for example, in the shape of finger joints.
– Medium capacity production line,
– high-power working aggregates,
– high working feeds,
– accelerated handling movements translate into high performance. Depending on the assumed capacity, additional buffering conveyors are built into the string, which speed up the production process,